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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Carnitine Review - Amino Acids For Weight Loss

Carnitine or L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid which has become very popular by people looking to speed up there weight loss. Carnitine is a totally natural amino acid and like all amino acids they are broken down from high protein foods.

It is possible to get carnitine through natural foods like meat and vegetables but the amount's are very low for example 100 grams of meat will only have around 150 Milli grams of carnitine. The body will break down these protein foods into amino acids before being absorbed into the body. There are many essential and non essential amino acids and carnitine stands out as an amino acid with the ability to increase our energy levels and burn more fat.

My Carnitine Review

I took regular carnitine for around 3 months and found it very effective for loosing weight. I first started by taking 1g of carnitine upon waking before doing my morning exercise. I would also take 1g of carnitine in my evening meal replacement shake.

After just a few weeks I noticed my arms starting to look a little thinner, at first I was disappointed as I thought I had lost my muscle but to be honest it was actually covered in a layer of fat. After my arms started to shed fat, it moved onto my stomach and legs and after 3 months use I was happy with the results. I may start taking it again but I believe its great to cycle on and off with any supplement to get the maximum benefits from it.

Carnitine weight loss benefits

- Helps with bodies energy production

- Uses fat as fuel helping you to loose weight

- Boosts metabolism and stops fat storage

- Elevates your Mood

- Helps slow aging and increase mental performance.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Can I Lose Weight Really Fast

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